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John's first book, Ceramic Tile Setting, at
Mistflower Home Tile Your World Store John Bridge Forums Authors Contact Us Added 11-9-2008 -- Several tile books have been published since Tile Your World was released, but to date, Tile Your World is still the only book in print that completely covers ceramic tile showers. Tile Your World: John Bridge's New Tile Setting Book (Mistflower Press, Houston, 2003) People who have read Ceramic Tile Setting (McGraw-Hill, 1992) will agree that a new book by John P. Bridge has been long overdue. Materials and tile setting techniques have changed considerably during the past decade, and the author's views have undergone a mild revision as well. In his own words: "An old broken down mud man [has been] converted into a cutting-edge, high-tech tile installer." Bridge's association with Schluter Systems L.P. of Plattsburg, N.Y. since early 2002 has had much to do with his transformation. Schluter produces high-tech tile installation "systems." The author attended a training session conducted at the Ceramic Tile Education Foundation in Pendleton, South Carolina, where he became "Schluterized." Not long afterward he approached the company's management with the idea of producing a book, the initial production costs of which would be subsidized by Schluter. In return, Bridge would cover the Schluter products he had been so impressed with in South Carolina. Tile Your World is in large part the result of that arrangement. But "mud work," the long-accepted method of installing ceramic and stone tiles over mortar substrates, has not taken a back seat. Bridge takes you through the processes of tiling mortar bed floors, showers and countertops. Other methods are presented for those who feel they aren't up to the challenge. For example, the use of cement backer board is covered in depth. Tile Your World is of value to do-it-yourselfers, to professional tile setters and to those who simply want to gain insight into the various processes associated with ceramic tile setting. It is a comprehensive book that builds on Bridge's thirty years of experience in the business -- a book whose time has truly come, presented in John's "homey" writing style.
Tile Your World: John Bridge's New Tile Setting Book became available in mid-December, 2003. It is priced at $23.95 U.S. or $31.50 Canada. Tile Your World contains:
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